YouGov poll on behalf of The Times puts the Conservatives in a massive lead. Conservatives on 48% (+4) compared to second place Labour at 24% (+1). Highest vote share for any Tory government since 1991.

LONDON – The latest in a line of polls taken after the snap general election announcement shows that the ruling Conservative party looks unbeatable right now.

Sam Coates, Deputy Political Editor, at The Times tweeted an exclusive poll conducted by YouGov on April 18 and 19 on behalf of the newspaper which showed that voting intentions put the Tories in a massive lead at 48% (+4), compared with Labour with just 24% (+1).

Here is the tweet:

Matt Singh, the founder of the Number Cruncher Politics blog who rose to fame in the world of politics in 2015 when he correctly called a Conservative majority victory in the general election, pointed out that these results show the "highest vote share in any poll for a Tory govt since 1991 (during the Gulf War), biggest lead since Sep 1987."

This new poll adds to a growing list of polls that suggest the Conservatives are unbeatable right now.

A YouGov survey published on Sunday night showed that 44% of Brits intends to vote for the Tories at the next election, up 2% on the company's last poll. 23% of respondents said they plan to vote Labour. Labour would need a massive shift in public sentiment to win a June election, these polls suggest.

The Times and The Telegraph also published data that said pollsters expect the Tories to win by a 100 seat majority while financial spread betting firm IG Market predicted amount of seats each party will win as follows:

    Conservatives - 370 seats (gain of 40 seats on current Parliament make up) Labour - 177 seats (loss of 52 seats) Liberal Democrats - 34 seats (gain of 25 seats) Scottish National Party - 50 seats (loss of 4 seats) UKIP - 1 seat

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